Monthly Archives: January, 2011

Class Projects Welcome

Tracy Wuster.

Writing for a broad audience and creating digital content…

two major learning goals of the 21st century college.

Need a place to post class projects focused on humor studies?  Think about “Humor in America.”  We would be willing (and excited)  to work with professors to post class projects as part of the site.  We can give practical advice and link to projects that will be placed into the academic discussion of American humor.  Please contact us ( well in advance of needing to post anything.

As an example, please see my own class website for fall 2011.  Although this class was not focused on humor, the student projects and overall layout might give you an idea of how such material could be laid out.  Having students post material on the internet has two main benefits, as I see it.  First, students seem to take the project more seriously, as the material will be read not only by me but by their classmates and by a (theoretically, at least) larger audience.  Second, I can respond to student work directly on the website, instead of writing comments on papers that probably won’t be picked up next semester.  Additionally, I had several students who were excited to share their work with parents, friends, etc.

I would recommend looking at these specific pages:

On Maus

On John Hawkes

On Richard Matteson and the genre of horror

A podcast on Nicholson Baker

On teaching Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif” in high school

A syllabus for teaching a course on science fiction

On Watchmen

On Sandra Cisneros

On Norman Mailer

On Tennessee Williams